Romantic Times Magazine 4-Star Review
Irvin takes a sad beginning and spins a sweet story of hope and love in the midst of tragedy, reminding readers that God has a plan we often don’t understand. Aidan’s guilt and Bess’ depression, which keep them both from moving on in their lives, are realistically portrayed as the roadblocks to happiness that they are, and the danger that Caleb’s mother Mattie’s dementia-driven actions creates will speak to readers dealing with this problem within their own families.
Bess is thrilled to be carrying her husband Caleb’s child, but her joy turns to sorrow when he is killed in a car accident on a snowy road. Caleb’s best friend Aidan is overwhelmed by guilt when he is unsuccessful in his efforts to save Caleb at the scene of the collision, and he promises to watch over Bess and the unborn baby. But his promise is complicated by a secret Bess and Caleb never suspected: he has been in love with Bess since they were teenagers. Aidan wants a future with Bess and her son Joshua, but how can he admit to his feelings without betraying the memory of his friend?