Best Selling, Award Winning Author
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you’ll find what you’re looking for in my stories. The genres may vary, but the stories always come from my heart and the experiences garnered through years filled with mountains and valleys. I’m a former journalist, former public relations pro and now full-time fiction writer. I also live with Stage 4 ovarian cancer and physical disability—both of which inform my stories. As do my Christian faith and my life as a wife, mother, and grandmother. I suspect the fact that you’re here now means we have one or many of these life experiences in common. So again, welcome!
What I Write
The older I get the more my life experiences drive my stories into deeper, thornier issues of faith tested, joy lost and found, and the struggle to find meaning in difficult times. I’ve published more than 30 novels and a dozen novellas. These range from thought-provoking Amish romances to gritty romantic suspense novels to an upcoming women’s fiction novel based on my own experience living with late stage cancer. While the topics may be tough, there’s always joy in the journey. Regardless of genre, the women (and the men too) discover they have the strength to persevere and to find themselves in new beginnings. My desire is that readers will draw hope and encouragement from these stories.
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