“A warm-hearted novel that is more than a romance, with lovable characters, including two innocent children caught in the red tape of government and two people willing to risk breaking both the Englisch and Amish law to help in whatever way they can. There are subplots that focus on the struggles of undocumented immigrants.”
“Kelly Irvin’s Amish tales can’t be categorized as romance, contemporary, mystery, or Christian; BUT “The Amish of Bee County” series involves all of that and more. Readers do not need to be Amish, or Amish genre story lovers, to relate to a second chance plot of a man who has lost his first marriage partner via death. Those of us who have been in that grief-loneliness-renewal road will relive the heart warmed fullness of walking the path holding a new mate’s hand. Bee County is a Texas-authentic location, Beeville the county seat. Readers will come to believe they are reading nonfiction…”